
48th SERA Annual Meeting

February 19-21, 2025

Call for Proposals

The link to the Call for Proposals for the annual SERA conference is on the pull-down menu of the SERA “CONFERENCE” page. A copy of the Call for Proposals for the 2025 conference can be found here.

A copy of the Call for Proposals is also at the end of the Spring SERA Newsletter, which is published on the SERA website under the “NEWSLETTER” tab.

Proposal Submission & Conference Registration 

The link to Submit a Proposal is on the pull-down menu of the SERA “CONFERENCE” page. The Proposal submission website is open from roughly mid-August until roughly mid-September. The link to the conference Registration website is on the pull-down menu of the SERA “CONFERENCE” page. The conference Registration website is open from roughly mid-August until roughly early-January.

Winners of the SERA Linda Reichwein Zientek Outstanding Paper Award

Each year, SERA holds a contest for the SERA Linda Reichwein Zientek Outstanding Paper Award. In 2022, the SERA Board renamed the award in recognition of Linda’s long service to SERA, including service as the SERA Executive Director beginning 2014, and Deputy Executive Director 2011-2014. The recipient of this award is given the honor of presenting the winning paper at a special session of the American Educational Research Association’s annual meeting and is also presented with a $1,000 stipend. Past recipients of this award can be seen ***here***.

 SERA Conference Paper Digital Repository

Some SERA members have uploaded digital copies of their conference papers to the voluntary SERA conference paper Digital Repository, which is available to SERA members on a login basis. The link to the conference paper Digital Repository is on the pull-down menu of the SERA “CONFERENCE” page.