Graduate Students

The Southwest Educational Research Association strongly supports the involvement of graduate students in the organization. Whether through opportunities to present papers at the annual conference, occasions for mentorship, or occasions for leadership positions in the organization, SERA is committed to furthering the education of graduate students. For example, each year during the annual business luncheon, students are awarded “travel scholarships” that each pay one hotel night; these awards are available only to students (a) formally registered in the hotel AND (b) in paid attendance at the luncheon.

Each year during the SERA annual meeting the graduate students meet and elect their representatives. Students from each given university represented in attendance by at least five students select the student representative for that university by secret ballot. These student representatives then constitute the Graduate Student Council.

One of the members of the Graduate Student Council is then elected by secret ballot (if there are multiple nominees) to serve as the Graduate Student Representative to serve as a voting member on the SERA Board (see the SERA By-Laws posted on the SERA website). Only Graduate Student Council members who have already served on the Graduate Student Council for at least one year are eligible to be elected the SERA Graduate Student Representative, if there are any Graduate Student Council members who have served at least one year.

This year’s graduate student representative is Shelby Sharpe from Texas A&M Corpus Christi. If you are interested in this position in future years, come to the annual conference and put your name in for consideration.