Important Dates


MAY 1: DEADLINE for receipt of SERA Research Grant Proposals

JUNE 1: SERA Research Grant Awardees are notified

Early AUG: Proposal and Registration System Opens

SEPT 28: DEADLINE for conference Proposal Submission; Proposal System Closes

OCT 12: DEADLINE for receipt of conference Registration info and check if you are paying by personal check or university check via university Purchase Order; checks received after this date will not be cashed

OCT 19: DEADLINE for receipt of conference Registration info and payment if you are paying by credit card via PayPal; the next day all proposals for which any co-authors have not paid required conference registration fees will be rejected

Mid-OCT: SERA Elections begin

Early NOV: Proposal decisions e-mailed to first authors

Early NOV: SERA Elections close

Early DEC: DRAFT conference Program posted on the SERA website

DEC 15 (noon): DEADLINE for RECEIPT of payment from any school wanting to participate in the SERA Dean’s Awards program


TBD: LAST day to register for a room in the conference hotel at the conference rate only if rooms are still available

JAN 3: DEADLINE for receipt of SERA Linda Reichwein Zientek Outstanding Paper Award. See the Call for Proposals

JAN 8: DEADLINE for receipt by the SERA Graduate Student Representative of an electronic copy of submissions for the SERA Dean’s Awards. See the Call for Proposals

JAN 8: DEADLINE for receipt by the SERA President of an electronic copy of submissions for the SERA Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award. See the Call for Proposals

JAN 8: DEADLINE for receipt of  your paper by the Discussant assigned to your presentation session only for Division VI (“Student Research In Progress”) papers

JAN 15: Repository opens

JAN 15: LAST day to register at  pre-conference registration rates for non-presenter

FEB 18-20: 49th SERA Annual Meeting